Labels:hakham | monitor | sky | trade name OCR: RETURN NEXT SLON distributed by Finley Holiday Film Corp pue The Astronomical Society of the Pacific except for portrait of U J.Le Verrier, The lllustrated News Portrait of T Adams ftom F Ball 6reat AstT onomers 1895 Image of Berlin Observatory Hubble Space telescope image of Neptune June h66l David Crisp Heidi Hammel WFPC2 Science team pue NASA PLUTO LECTURE All pictures pue footage are courtesy of NASA, produced pue distributed by Finley Holiday Film Corp pue The .Astronomical Society of the Pacific, except; Images of Small sections of the plates UO which Tombaugh discover red Pluto cour rtesy: He len Hors tman Lowell Observatory Image of Pluto with the Hale Telescope cour te sy of Palomar/California Institute of Technology CompL Jter genel rated images cour tesy of Marc w. Buie Lowell O ...